Friday, August 31, 2007
Bodoh BoSS
Today, I went to the meeting chair my boss... so boring...
Add to the scanning... he wan me to do it in the hard copy... so many how to do... is he mad?
add me in the senoko loop no.21b lodge too... :(
and the scanning he wan me to do by 15 September...
but I on leave... ... on 10-15 September :) dun care about he... ... :P
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
MaLaY LeSson
I had learnt 4 words today... ...
1. Good Morning - Selamat Pagi
2. Thank - Terima Kasih/Sama Sama
3. Welcome - Kambali
4. Rabbit - Arnab
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
HaPpY BiRtHdAy tO DaPhNe
Monday, August 27, 2007
MaLaY LesSon
I had learnt 8 words today... ...
1. Me - Saya
2. Papaya - Betik
3. Carrot - Lobak
4. I - Aku
5. You (2) - Kau
6. Lizard - Cicak
7. Cockroaches - Lipas
8. Stupid - Bodoh
PoOr MonitoR
Today, after the cleaning up... I on my pc... and my monitor no light and cannot use le... :(
so sad... had to change monitor... :(
and I had shift the cpu up to my desk... then my desk space getting smaller le :(
Sunday, August 26, 2007
My Favourite Cartoon when I was a little girl... :)
* Name: Hello Kitty
* Birthday: November 1, 1974
* Blood type: A+++
* Place of birth: Suburban Cambridge
* Parents: George and Mary Bell ©
* Siblings: Mimmy (twin sister)
* Friends: Cathy (a rabbit), Fifi (a sheep), Tracy (a raccoon), Joey (a mouse)
* Height: That of five shiny apples
* Weight: That of three shiny apples
* Good at: Baking cookies, making pancakes for friends, Origami, bows, shopping for friends, shopping with friends, buying things, playing tennis
* Favorite food: Apple pie made by Mama (A.K.A. Mum or Mary)
* Hobbies: Traveling, music, reading, eating yummy cookies her sister Mimmy bakes, making new friends, and going on adventures
* Favorite word: "Friendship", "best", "kawaii" ('Cute' in Japanese)
* Collects: Small cute things like sweets, stars, goldfish etc.
* Best school subjects: English, music, visual arts, reading
* Description: A bright and kind-hearted kitten. Very close to her twin sister Mimmy.
* Significant Other: Dear Daniel.
Video Taken:
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
金牛座 個性溫和又堅實,性情沈著而踏實。對事物雖然猶豫不定,但是一旦決定下來,就能以 堅忍不拔的精神,執著向前。忍耐力強,行事慎重,但也有頑固的一面。受人之託必能忠人之事,絕不會中途放棄。占有欲強,比較追求物質上的滿足,而且堅持事 物的完美度,是一個藝術設計及園藝方面非常有才氣的人。為人幽默、風趣,常能得到朋友的親睞。 雙子座 個性敏銳又快捷。有強烈的好奇心和求知慾,對於新觀念和新流行的感觸十分敏銳。聰明機智,有辯才,是一個謀略家和演說家。遇事都能妥善對座,冷靜觀察,果敢而有擔當。而且常會有一些突發奇想的點子,有大膽假設,小心求證的個性。 巨蟹座 怠情豐富,對事物的怠受性強。對外親和謙恭,頗有公眾意識,但是對內則有強烈的防 衛本能,不願私生活受到于擾。大體上是一個溫和內向的人,但是絕不向惡勢力低頭。熱心參加愛家、愛鄉、愛民的團體,自我意識很強,尊敬能夠保護自己立場的 人,帶有懷舊的心情,是一個十分傳統的人。 獅子座 為人正直,頗具威嚴。喜歡以自己的魅力和才能開創出一片天地,並熱衷於權力地位。處事物時採用光明磊落全力以赴的做法,厭惡卑劣的小人行徑。有演戲的才華,對自己充滿自信,近乎自戀。另一方面,由於心胸寬大,自能吸引群眾。不過,容易被自己的情緒左右,經常覺得孤獨。 處女座 為人勤勉,一絲不苟,喜歡接觸社會,行事採取合理主義,是一個對社會頗有貢獻的人。對人體貼入微,做起事來也有大將之風,但是有時過於小心,反而無 法掌握大綱,不過大體上作是一個有計畫和實務能大的人,而且一向本著良心做事。在個性上思慮較多,富於批判精神,容易成為鋒利的評論家。有濃厚的道德觀 念。 天秤座 個性穩健而理智。有優秀的平衡感和公正的判斷力,善於協調,在相反的意見中往往能擔負起調停的責任。凡事講求邏輯和策略,絕對不以暴力解決事情,而是以巧妙的手腕,在對等的權利和利害中找出平衡點。懮柔而不寡斷,八面玲瓏,頗有社交才華,容易博得在上位者的眷顧和禮遇。 天蠍座 個性強烈衝動。有足夠的精力和膽識,不懼艱難。觀察力敏銳,經常能夠洞悉事情的真相,對事物也有獨到的見解。行事時,採用完全的破壞和創新方式,充 滿神祕的色彩。從無害人之心,但是人若負我,則會反擊報復對方,採取適當的回應手段。對精神和物質的要求很,高同時也付出相當的努力,奮戢不懈,對愛恨的 反應,十分強烈。 射手座 個性率直而開朗,對正義和真理抱持著極高的期許,希望自己能有多於常人的知識和經驗。注重精神生活,喜好哲學性的思想,熱衷於遠在個人之上的全人類 福社及世界性的進步,但是容易流於鬆散的樂觀主義。大膽而富冒除精神,熱愛自由,無論在何種環境下都希望保持精神與行動的獨立。 摩羯座 充滿智慧,思緒周密。有高度的耐力,在嚴苛的現實環境下仍然能夠耐心等待。為了使計畫周全,可以熬過漫長艱辛的準備時期,絕不鬆懈。思想深沉,熟知 人間之事。或許行動不夠敏捷,但是一定會持之以恆。個性嚴謹踏實,容易孤獨。從不掩飾利己之心,但是大致上仍能獲得上位者的信賴,也頗具社會使命感,而且 懂得驅吉避凶,為自己規畫出一個立身處世的藍圖。 水瓶座 個性獨立而執著。經常有一些激進、革新式的見地,屬於新時代的人物,有豐富的同胞愛和民主意識,能夠打破社會階級和人種的差異,培育真正的友情。對於一些既成的觀念,為了忠於自的信念,會激動地試圖抵抗。這種類型的人,經常見於為了達成共同目的面結朋組黨,發起運動的人。 雙魚座 才華洋溢,喜歡幻想。依賴心強,能適應不同的環境和立場。有豐富的創造能力和藝術才華,沉溺於詩般的情節和夢想,認為真正的幸福是身靈合的世界。選擇遠離俗世的生活,在物質上不會有太大的成就。富於同情,有犧牲自我的精神,尤其同情社會上的弱者和不幸的人。
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1sT Time
Today is also my special day, cos I had meeting with people outside my company... :)
Today, I went meeting with my small boss actually is I m useless... need he to accompany me to attend the meeting... :(
Today, about 1045... mobile talkie... he no ans from he.., I thought last mins he change his mind not accompany me... :( in the end I call him at his handphone can reach he... he asked me to go the building but myself... ... cos he was meeting at the building too...
When I stepped the office, rain so heavily... ... then I put on my raincoat and umbrella... ... and brought my document too and walked very fast toward the building then met my colleague... ... they told me tat he was waiting for me... make me so bad leh... :(
In the lift, he even offer me a sweet, but i dun wan to take... :)
In the waiting room, my phone rang and so loud... so pai seh... cos my ringtone is "Landy Wen-Sha Gua"... one sentence is sha gua... :(
In the meeting, I were like a mute... cos of the time he was answer and asked the question... :) but the meeting abit... boring... cos I saw he playing with his pen :P...
After the meeting, he told me tat he wan to go wash room, then I told he tat I wan to go too... :)
7th MonTh PraYeR
Today is my site office having the 7th month prayer :)
From the 1st set up the shelter... and everything are manually de... :)
A bit of disappointed... b4 the prayer actually having rain... luckily tat... while we prayed... no rain :)
The Burning Team -
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Taken From:
KnOw MorE AbOuT hOrOsCopE - CanCer
巨蟹座的守護星--月亮 巨蟹座的守護星為月亮,這月女神就是支配出生和豊穰的神,凡是巨蟹座人都期待未來將成為賢妻良母,同時也像月亮的盈虧那樣,其幻夢將逐一消失殆盡,又復度出現。由此可見,巨蟹座的人是具有豊富想像力和不畏難的實務能力者。
送給巨蟹座的禮物 柔軟而具有溫暖感者最好。如手製飾物或手染T恤等,還有盆栽的植物亦可,尤其在花盆上描繪圖畫則更好。
巨 蟹座的徽誌 巨蟹座的徽誌是代表母性的愛,因此巨蟹座的人都有強烈的保護和保育的意識而富有母愛。 例如重感情而待人一視同仁,並且遇到任何環境也都可以隨時適應。此外還喜歡照顧別人,因此最容易了解他人的煩惱、苦境,凡事一旦熱衷執著即全力以赴,是追 求夢幻的活動家,而且生活充滿著樂趣。
宙斯和人間女孩阿克梅妮生了兒子海格拉斯,海格拉斯後來和德貝的公主 結婚,生了小孩過著美滿的生活。由於宙斯正后赫拉的咒語,海格拉斯竟親手刃 妻,自己也正欲自殺,宙斯為了讓他贖罪,乃任命為耶里斯特斯王,他必需經歷十二大冒險行動,其中第二項是制服住在沼澤中的怪物西多拉。西多拉是隻有九個頭 的巨蛇,躲在沼澤附近的洞窟內,海格拉斯對其投火炬,激怒的西多拉乃吐毒氣攻擊,同住在沼澤裡的大巨蟹眼見西多拉苦戰,乃跳出咬海格拉斯的腳,結果巨蟹被 踩碎,西多拉也被制服。赫拉因感傷牠的逝世,而在天上設立巨蟹座。
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Tuesday, August 21, 2007
I m sUpEr HaWaiiAn SupRemE PiZzA
Monday, August 20, 2007
"WalKinG CarRot"
Now, we cannot wear white and chase them le :) Cos look like a Rabbit chasing a carrot :P Tml, can see that le :) i must remember to control my laughter :P HaHa :) cant stop it :P
Sunday, August 19, 2007
HaPpY BirThDaY tO Xh AnD MaLeMo
Today is my sister - xh's 18th birthday... :) and Malemo's 3rd birthday...
Today, we went to Bishan Junction Pastamania... for makan... :)

Let see my sister's birthday cake, I had order tat on 5 August 2007 - that was 2 weeks b4 her birthday :) Nice ? Is her favourite cartoon character - Hello Kitty :)

Monday, August 13, 2007
mY Be MiNe BeAr
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Stupid PimPle ~!!!
Today, I went and squeezed my stupid pimple ~
so pain ~
now my face so red... :(
Argh~!!! make me so ugly...
Saturday, August 11, 2007
不能说的 秘密
Today, my sister and me went to watch Jay Chou's latest movie 不能说的 秘密.

The movie quite nice too...
The story SECRET is Jay Chous directorial debut that deals with the memory of first love.
This is the first day Jay is admitted to Tamkang Secondary School. When he walks around the campus, he meets Rain (Kwai Lun-Mei) in the music room who is playing a mysterious piano solo. The two become intimate friends and spend a lot of time together. Whats the melody you played the first day we met? asked Jay, Thats my secret. Rain whispered in his ear.

One day, Jay asks Rain to meet him at the music room. But accidentally, they did not meet and Rain never shows up again. It seems that Rain has disappeared from this world.
Later, Jay gets a photo of Rain, but what surprises him is that Rain is standing next to his father, Chiu (Anthony Wong) on the photo! The secrets behind Rain and the mysterious melody are going to be unlashed...
It was cos Rain was from Year 1979... and Jay was from 1999...
At first sight marks one's destiny
Can see Jay play with the piano... is handsome :P... ...
The Trailer of the movie :P
Thursday, August 9, 2007
HaPpY BiRtHdAy SinGaPoRe
Today is Singapore 42th Birthday ~ :) Happy Birthday Singapore...~!!!
so disappointed no chance to go and watch live at marina bay...
Taken From:
Majulah Singapura (sung in Malay)
Mari kita rakyat Singapura
Sama-sama menuju bahagia
Cita-cita kita yang mulia
Berjaya Singapura
Marilah kita bersatu
Dengan semangat yang baru
Semua kita berseru
Majulah Singapura
Majulah Singapura
Onward Singapore (English translation)
We, the people of Singapore
Together march towards happiness
Our noble aspiration
To make Singapore a success
Let us all unite
In a new spirit
Together we proclaim
Onward Singapore
Onward Singapore
Taken From: