Today, is last day... of 2008 le... and today... we went to the 39 for our Christmas and New Year
Celebration... it really fun... and enjoyable saw Irene and Vislakumari from main office so long
time nv see them (So miss them) ...and a gift from Irene too... Thank Irene... =) I will name it
Xiao Puppy...
... ...and we had our exchange gift session and this year abit special... we pass around the gift like
the musical chair and the gift stop will be our gift and I got a mug... (I really dun like it) cos like a
guy using one so stupid lucky I got exchange my gift from Quee Chin... to this gift... =) nice? (I
like the star alot)

and today... last day of the year...
I think this year like very fast leh... like never do anything... =)