Dear Journal, Today, my sister and I went down to Causeway Point to see Sun Yanzi... after so long nv see her in the public... kind of missing her songs and she... but too bad she nv sing any songs in the event... =(
Dear Journal, Today, my right eye still red red de... but not pain is watery... ... so ugly my right eye...
but one of the ex driver of my company said me... today look pretty.... ok... at least got one praise from people still not bad... ;)
Hope can recover soon =(
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Dear Journal, Today, is my big boss birthday and we celebrated at the 39... see alot of people there and new faces too...
and I ate and chit chat together with Irene, Veron and Jona.... we sat on the floor.... and we oso took alot of photos.... the below only partly of the picture.... I took today... =) [but all the picture I took today... seem like very fat =(]
POSITIVE : Good in relationship, know how to appreciate people around her. Not selfish. Always put others instead of herself. Open minded. In finance, good at making money. Love at first sight, and ready to sacrifice everything for love. Sexually speaking, she's good and romantic.
NEGATIVE : Revengeful. If someone hurt her, she'll return the favor badly. Bad at keeping secret, not a good apprentice. Her decision aren't balance, lack in experience. Stubborn, not easily trust on others. Only certain people know how to treat her. Bad at spending money.
Dear Journal, Today, we went to 39 for fun and relax again...
there got pool, singing, dancing and drink~ =)
and I sang... some songs with Eunice... like 雨天,孤单北半球,我会好好的, and play pool with Magen, Li Ping, Subra, Adeline, Karthik, Zi Da and one foreman I dunno his name =)... too bad no chance to play with Ramesh cos he need to go back early...
See the group of my colleagues, they look cute when they dance... and they seem like control by the music... and dance non stop (too bad... I nv record it down)... Haha... due to my leg... are pain so cant enjoy them and can said they are dancing kings and queens... and this is my 1st time saw Kelly and Eunice so drunk~
=( in the end only slept on the sofa...
sleep until around 3 plus and they wan to go home le...
and this is the 1st time I stay out so late... outside... reached home around 4am... ...
and I really cant sleep... maybe jus now take a nice nap... =) start to do my Sub Con Portal Workers deployment.... until now 6am in the morning.... =)
But I can said I really enjoy myself tonight... ...
The perfect combo. Both your son and daughter will grow up to make you proud. Your son will always look after his sister when you're not around, and in return she will keep her brother in check. Get ready to run around a lot. From ballet to soccer practice, you're going to be one busy parent!
Dear Journal, Today, having the dormitory meeting again and this meeting make me feel so piss off... I need to set up the projector and speaker. all by myself... .... prepare this and that... I got only one pair of hands... =(
in the meeting... sign the log book of the attendance... the stupid dog pick on me said me waste paper... then my boss see me like one type said me waste paper... I thought last meeting I had done that....
Idiot Dog and those unhelpful people!!! =( all are idiots!!!
Dear Journal, Today, my big boss asked me to make a cup of the chinese tea using leaves.... and I threw it the leaves he told me not to throw them away due to those are tea... not those soak with legs... and he told me to learn how to make the tea and make for my future husband to drink too... =)
Dear Journal, Today, got said by my boss again... but this time he got explain why he said on me...
why all the times... I will be the one... haiz... but this time round abit difference he got explain to me why he said me and I accepted it... =) and I promised he tat tml I will submit the steps of the stationery request steps and stationery request form too... =)
Dear Journal, Today, went to Northpoint specially bought two of my favourite foods.... from last night I had been think of eating them... Finally... I bought it today... Yummy.... I Love it... =)
Dear Journal, Today, I went to my manicure,pedicure and haircut in my neighbourhood... and this is the new shop @ Blk 106 Yishun Ring Road #01-197... and their services is good... and the place having air con... and sitting on sofa so relax...
Dear Journal, Today, Teen and I went to chinatown for 东北 food... wow this is my 1st time eat spicy will feel like crying... =) but I really hope it...
and I had never treat b4 东北 food... and thanks he for bring me there... ... =) and we went to Bugis and City Hall too...
In the end... today I had quarrel with he again... dun understand why everytime we need to be quarrel in the end of the day... =( make me feel so sad...