Saturday, October 27, 2012


一路上转多少弯 才能看得见大海
我们都在 还上辈子的债
忙打转 忙着计算 也算不到未来
纯粹去爱 是那么难
一路上布满尘埃 风雨过后谁还在
我们都在 寂寞里取暖
对现实 习惯无奈 却对感情为难
剩多少人 能挣脱牵绊
我们都太孤单 不够勇敢
爱得茫然 爱得遗憾
让幸福走散 还庆幸自己很强悍
我们都怕承担 不够勇敢
爱不过一次 地狱天堂
一路上跌跌撞撞 有人来有人离开
我们都在 狂欢里落单
越爱过 越受伤过 就越裹足不前
要为了谁 留一张底牌

Saturday, October 20, 2012

HapPy TaSK

Dear Journal,
Today, I been working... is abit tired.... but think of can clearing my thing make me.... wan to go work... 

after working went to visit my boss wife... and even played with the children.... 

and we bought they to Choa Chu Kang.... to buy the gift for Lincoln and Lindy.... 

I like their nanny... but poor Yvonne need to set the bill of the gifts about around $200 plus.... 

and went back Lindy, slept on my lap... I dun dare to move myself... to let her sleep... see her sleep so sweet... make me feel happy... =)



Sunday, October 14, 2012

幸福难不难-郁可唯(犀利人妻最终回:幸福男.不难 主题曲)

我现在 过得很好 不为什么苦恼
也不怕 回忆惊扰
过去多在意的 事过境迁了随风飘
谁等在我的昨天 左右不了明天
爱过几年 缘份总是少一天
每次想走得很远 越渴望越无力向前
如果那么爱你 最后还要失去你
为你伤心 可能 我会宁愿不去冒险
听过多少永远 只怀念拥抱你的瞬间
如果遗失的梦 还能再找回来
我会勇敢 可是选择离开 就别遗憾
谁等在我的昨天 左右不了明天
爱过几年 缘份总是少一天
每次想走得很远 越渴望越无力向前
如果那么爱你 最后还要失去你
为你伤心 可能 我会宁愿不去冒险
听过多少永远 只怀念拥抱你的瞬间
如果遗失的梦 还能再找回来
我会勇敢 可是选择离开 就别遗憾
当时说了再见 再见面时空都已蜕变
如果遗失的梦 还能再找回来
我会勇敢 可是选择离开 就别遗憾

Tuesday, October 9, 2012



Thursday, October 4, 2012

NeW OffIcE n DeSk

Dear Journal,
 Finally done with the unpack...I hope my new desk will bring me good luck...

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Good BYe To SalLY ChUa

Dear Journal,
Today, is one of my colleague Sally Chua's last day of work.... she worked for the company very long...

she was the 1st colleague... when I came to work in the company... she guided me alot... and she used to dun like me... said me do thing slow and called me 猪八戒...

after this few months, she started to work me... she said me is good to work with... but the time is very short... kind of miss her...

Monday, October 1, 2012

ClEaR mY DesK

Dear Journal,
Today, start to pack my thing on my desk and prepare to go Senoko office... and I got around 5 peopl to pack for me... I guess my EQ... not bad... =) I quite miss the office... after packing my thing...been sitting here for so long now need to shift... =(

