Thursday, July 10, 2008

CeLeBrAtE mY BiRtHdAY In mY OFficE

Dear Journal,
Today, Today is my 23rd year old birthday... normally I will on leave on my birthday... but this year special... I went to work... =)

Once I stepped in the office and saw my desk full of gift... ... (Daphne still ask me got touch or not? The ans is nope!)

My Birthday Gift from WeeLeng, Ai See, Eunice, Li Ping, Jastinah, Adeline, Jing Jing, Daphne and Magen...

My Birthday Gifts and me~

My Birthday Cake and me~ (the cake's taste not nice de) (Daphne ask me the cake look like Hello Kitty or not, my ans is Nope!)

Holding a cupcake while they song the birthday song


Make a Wish~

Blow the candles (candles so hard to blow off)

Open the Gifts

Group Pictures... (Missing From the Picture: Kelly, Jing Jing, Siti, Meerah and Jaya)

The pictures were took by a 8 pixel camera but a abit not nice... dunno is the photographer got problem or not....

Thanks: Daphne for Photos
Thanks WeeLeng, Ai See, Eunice, Li Ping, Jastinah, Adeline, Jing Jing, Daphne and Magen... for the Gifts
My tortoise's name is 小乐
Cos 特乐 (My Company Name) and 生日快乐

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