Saturday, October 15, 2011

OperAtioN DinnEr

Dear Journal,
Today, was last day of the duty of the dinner...

On the duty.... I only look after the pot of chocolates and asked the workers to guess how many inside... most of the workers guessed 74 to 78 but the correct ans was 97.... due to the company born in 1997.... only 3 workers guessed correctly... =)

In the night, I really enjoyed myself... in the event... maybe I so called "organising team" member.... I like the most is the social network.... due to everyone in the dinner.. got the chance to play with... and this year the lucky draw got some difference named "the longest"... as the boss picked 3 person from the draw... and they need to form the longest.... from their wearing..... =) ...

but today very tired... cos... last night my mother admitted to the hospital due to her arm bleeding.... i stayed in the hospital.... until 1am.... and today I woke at 7am.... went to JB with Tina and Jing Yu.... really enjoy myself.. eating Japanese food there... was cheap....

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